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Energy Solutions

Specializing in pipeline and industrial valves

Our Company

NTSI Energy Solutions LLC is a Tulsa-based Manufacturer’s Representative company focused on the sale of engineered products to energy industry and industrial customers in the mid-continent area of the United States.


A member of the Manufacturers Agents National Association (MANA), NTSI seeks to represent leading edge companies in an ethical and professional manner that meets and exceeds MANA standards and the expectations of our principals and customers. 


Our customer base includes engineering, operating, purchasing and management personnel at pipe line and terminal companies, engineering firms, fabrication companies, power plants and a variety of manufacturing facilities. 


NTSI recently became the authorized representative in the mid-continent area for Process Development & Control butterfly valves.  Through PDC we now offer a full range of butterfly valves including standard and high performance wafer and lug style valves, single, double and triple offset butterfly valves and large diameter butterfly valves for high volume water and air applications.


As the authorized representative for Oil Skimmers, Inc. in the mid-continent area, we can provide a unique line of skimming systems to remove free-floating oil from ponds, pits, sumps, vats and tanks.  Check out the video on our Oil Skimmers page. 


NTSI has many years of experience with (and excellent sources for) double block and bleed expanding plug valves.  We also have sources for rising stem ball valves and most types of standard valves (ball, check, gate, globe, etc.).  


For more information or to obtain competitive bids, go to the "Contact Us" link below.


Tulsa PLC Logo 2.JPG
OKCPipelinersLogo307x109-transparentbg.p  -  PO Box 33504, Tulsa, OK 74153  -  918-633-4499

About Us



NTSI Energy Solutions LLC

Kent Pearson

PO Box 33504

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74153-3504

Phone:  918-633-4499


For general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:

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